Asia Kolkata Timezone Converter
Current Time & Date in Kolkata along with DST information
Current local time in Kolkata (Asia/Kolkata timezone). Get information about the Asia/Kolkata time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) current time in all cities/countries belonging to Time zone.
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Lagi cari pelarian yang menyenangkan dari aktivitas harian? Ajak teman-teman dan anak-anak kamu—saatnya ke Timezone untuk menikmati serunya bermain beragam pilihan game! Mulai dari game arcade modern, virtual reality, Social Bowling, dan banyak lagi yang bisa dimainkan untuk semua orang, baik anak muda maupun kamu yang berjiwa muda. Benamkan diri kamu di taman bermain dalam ruangan dengan keseruan tiada henti.
Current time & date in Asia/Kolkata is: 11:08:48 PM on Friday, Dec 13, 2024
Asia/Kolkata Timezone in detail. Current Time and date in Asia/Kolkata Timezone. Also get information about timezones adjacent to Asia/Kolkata, major cities belonging to Asia/Kolkata timezone and also get Daylight Saving Time (DST) details including DST history, next DST adjustment schedule etc...
Major airports in Asia/Kolkata timezone
Clocks were moved backward to become Tuesday, 27 June, 1854 11:59:52 PM
Clocks were moved backward to become Friday, 31 December, 1869 11:27:50 PM
Clocks were moved forward to become Monday, 01 January, 1906 12:08:50 AM
Clocks were moved forward to become Wednesday, 01 October, 1941 01:00:00 AM
Clocks were moved backward to become Thursday, 14 May, 1942 11:00:00 PM
Clocks were moved forward to become Tuesday, 01 September, 1942 01:00:00 AM
Clocks were moved backward to become Sunday, 14 October, 1945 11:00:00 PM
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There is no Time difference in Mumbai ,Kolkata and IST. These are the Time zone which is calculating the IST.
Asia/Kolkata is a UTC +05:30 timezone offset where as India Standard Time (IST) is a UTC +5:30 timezone offset. Time difference between Asia/Kolkata and India Standard Time (IST) is 0:0 hours ie., India Standard Time (IST) time is always 0:0 hours ahead of Asia/Kolkata.
Mark as correct and Helpful if my suggestion helped to you. So others will be benefited for same kind of thread and remove this thread to unanswered list of community.ThanksSanjay B.
My local time changed to PST. Now I ran:
But my system time didn't change back to IST. Instead, it's showing PST's time with the IST label.
(In picture: I'm pointing to IST Kolkata, but the time zone highlighted is Los Angeles. This may explain my problem.)
I want Asia/Kolkata to be back to normal.
P.S.: With the command
the timezone changed to IST with PST's time.
Asia/Kolkata offset: UTC / GMT +05:30 hours
Dec 13, 2024 11:08 PM Friday
New York City is 10.5 hours behind Kolkata
Time Zone Converter (Time Difference Calculator)
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